Total Credit Hours: 127
1 ENGR 6223 Advanced Engineering Mathematics recommended if considering engineering graduate school.
2 Minimum grade of “C” required class.
3 Any 3000+ BEGR, EEGR, ENGR, MEGR, MJEG, COSC course or one of the courses listed below:
COSC 2103 Computer Science II , DSTC 3433 Solid Modeling , EEGR 3243 Electronics and Lab , EEGR 3523 Mechatronics , EEGR 4900 – 4993 Special Topics Course (available courses will vary by semester), ENGR 2313 Materials Engineering , ENGR 4951 Junior Design Project I (1 hr), ENGR 4952 Junior Design Project II (2 hrs), MCHR 4413 Robotics
Special topics courses offered by the School of Engineering will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis as to their suitability for the Technical Elective credit. Students should discuss eligibility of the course before enrolling.
NOTE: Not all of the courses listed above are 3 credits hrs. It is up to you as the student to ensure you have at least 3hrs total credit for your technical electives.
4 MATH 2303 Linear Algebra or MATH 4403 Numerical Analysis for MATH Elective.
5 EEGR 4233 Introduction To Microprocessors And Microcomputers may be substituted for EEGR 3233.