LeTourneau University is committed to improving student learning and enhancing student life through the use of technology.
Through LetNet, users have access to many services including the Internet, personal e-mail accounts, a university portal, and an online learning management system. All services can be accessed globally through a standard Internet connection. Wireless network connections are available in all site locations, all academic buildings and all residence areas. Wired network connections are also available for student use in all residence halls.
The student’s University email account is the primary method of communication throughout the University. Students are responsible for reading all information sent to their University email account.
MyLETU provides students with online access to their LetNet accounts, academic information, class schedules, grade reports, complete academic records, and degree audits.
Canvas, LeTourneau’s online learning management system, provides a complete course experience including opportunities for collaboration, sharing, and assessment for faculty and students in on campus, adult, and online degrees and programs.
The student’s LeTourneau University e-mail account is the primary method of communication throughout the University. Students are responsible for reading all information sent to their University e-mail account.
The MyFiles service provides students and faculty access to their personal files from anywhere on campus or across the world via the Internet. More information is available at www.letu.edu/it/services/myfiles.
LeTourneau actively promotes the use of technology in the curriculum. All classrooms are equipped with computer presentation systems. Library collections, electronic journals, and searchable databases are also available online at www.letu.edu/library.
Campus computer laboratories provide access to standard office applications, computer aided drafting, specialized academic applications in fields such as math, engineering, and science, and additional software used in class curricula.
A current reference for all technology offerings is available at www.letu.edu/it.
Library and Learning Resources
The Learning Resource Center (LRC), also known as the Margaret Estes Library, serves as the center for library services to all faculty and students currently enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs whether delivered on ground, online, or in a hybrid format. The library contributes to the educational process by providing access to information resources that support the research demands of the curriculum.
The following services are available:
- Bibliographic Instruction and Reference - available for information literacy instruction. Assistance in identifying and locating relevant materials is available, as well as citation, copyright and fair use, and platform assistance.
- Document Delivery - full text documents from resources owned by the library can be delivered through email scanned documents, postal service, or fax.
- InterLibrary Loan - for materials not available locally, electronic versions of articles can be emailed directly to the student if available from a library in the consortium.
- Online Databases - access to training, tutorials, and databases for no cost and fee-based citation, abstract, and full-text articles, books, and information online is available in person or on the LRC website.
- TexShare Card - provides access to public and college collections in member Texas libraries located throughout the state. TexShare Cards issued through the University are valid while enrolled in LETU courses.