2025-2026 Official University Academic Catalog 
    Mar 03, 2025  
2025-2026 Official University Academic Catalog

School of Business

Dr. Kathleen Mays, Dean

Department Chairs: 

On Campus: Dr. Kathleen Mays

Online: Dr. David Shankle

Professor: Dr. Karen Jacobs, Dr. M. Isabella Junqueira, Dr. Bob Roller, Dr. Beverly Rowe, Dr. David Shankle
Associate Professor: Dr. Sherry Chance
Instructor: Mr. Joey Schools




R. G. LeTourneau is perhaps the most inspiring Christian inventor, businessman and entrepreneur the world has ever seen.  A sixth-grade dropout, Robert Gilmore “RG” LeTourneau went on to become the leading earth moving machinery manufacturer of his day with plants on four continents, more than 300 patents to his name and major contributions to road construction and heavy equipment that forever changed the world.  Most importantly, his contribution to the advancement of the Gospel ranks him among the greatest of Christian Businessmen of all time.  Famous for living on 10% of his income and giving 90% to the spread of the Gospel, LeTourneau exemplified what a Christian businessman should be. 

LeTourneau University’s School of Business distinguishes itself through the legacy of its founder, R.G. LeTourneau, who was an entrepreneurial business leader, a pioneering engineer and a man of faith.  In the same way, students see their life’s work as a holy calling with eternal impact, seeking to be faithful leaders in business. 

Our program offers a variety of majors and minors, allowing students to tailor their education to specific areas of interest.  With that in mind, all of LeTourneau’s business majors have three essential components:

  • a strong foundation of general education courses;
  • a solid core of business courses; and
  • specialized study in a specific area of business

Focused classroom instruction and internship experiences, as well as the opportunity to study abroad, combine to help make this a reality - preparing our students for “Every Workplace” and “Every Nation.”




Our purpose is to equip business leaders to take the Christian world view into every workplace in every nation, pursuing business as a mission to be a lasting expression of light and salt in every place our graduates touch.




The mission of the School of Business is to develop experientially-educated, exceptionally skilled and ethically-driven business leaders who see their purpose to take their faith into every aspect of business, making significant and lasting contributions to their areas of service.  Our graduates will excel in the business environment, building on our polytechnic and entrepreneurial heritage, and focusing on technology, social enterprise, and innovation.



Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

BBA - Accounting Major (BBAC)  
BBA - Finance Major (BBFI)  
BBA - General Business Major (BBGB) 
BBA - Human Resource Major (BBHR)   
BBA - Management Major (BBMG)  
BBA - Marketing Major (BBMK)  
BBA - Finance Concentration (FIBB): Online   
BBA - General Business Concentration (BBA): Online  
BBA - Human Resource Management Concentration (HRBB): Online    
BBA - Management Concentration (MGBB): Online    


Bachelor of Business Management (BBM)

Bachelor of Business Management: Online  




A minor may be selected from the following areas:

Accounting Minor  
Business Administration Minor 
Finance Minor  
Leadership Minor  
Management Minor  
Marketing Minor  


Master of Business Administration

Master of Business Administration: Online   

Master of Strategic Leadership

Master of Strategic Leadership: Online  




The University holds to the principle that a LeTourneau degree is symbolic of a LeTourneau University education and of the principles for which LeTourneau stands.  To this end the University insists on a significant residence period as a degree requirement.  Students must meet residency requirements prior to graduation, which are:

Undergraduate business students must successfully complete no less than 25% of the total semester hours required for their undergraduate degree through LeTourneau University.  At least 18 semester hours of the business courses must be completed through the University, and at least 12 hours of the upper-level major courses must be completed at LeTourneau.  For example, an accounting degree requires that at least 12 hours of upper-level accounting courses must be completed at LeTourneau.  Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 to graduate.

Graduate business students must complete 75% of the total semester hours required for a graduate degree through LeTourneau.  Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 to graduate.



Undergraduate students who have completed 75 hours toward an undergraduate degree in business may apply for admission to the MBA degree program through the Office of Admissions. If the student meets all entrance requirements other than degree completion, the student will be accepted provisionally into the program.  After completion of 75 hours, undergraduate students accepted provisionally will be allowed to take up to 6 hours of graduate business courses toward the MBA.  Following the posting of the undergraduate degree, the student’s status will be changed to regular admission status if all requirements are met.



A concentration is the specialized course of study for the online undergraduate degrees. The number of hours in the concentration is 12 for each degree program. Students who wish to graduate with two concentrations must complete the 12 hours required for each concentration with no duplication of courses. A course used to satisfy one concentration cannot be used to satisfy another concentration.