2025-2026 Official University Academic Catalog 
    Mar 03, 2025  
2025-2026 Official University Academic Catalog

General Education and LETU Theology and Vocation Core Requirements


General Education Student Learning Outcomes

The Mission of General Education at LeTourneau University is to provide a course of study that requires our graduates to…

  • Master competencies required to function as professionals and citizens;
  • Acquire the skills and dispositions, which allow the individual to function with a high level of ingenuity;

Students who complete the general education program will be able to:

  • Demonstrate effective critical thinking skills
  • Communicate effectively
  • Use mathematical concepts and formulas in real world situations
  • Gain sufficient knowledge of their historical, political, and/or social contexts leading to a more informed civic engagement
  • Formulate and test hypotheses
  • Apply basic scientific knowledge to their lives

General Education Requirements

Minimum general education requirements for undergraduate programs
B.A. B.S. Bachelor
(Not B.A. or B.S.)

LETU 1101 - Cornerstones
(Waived for students transferring 12 or more hours from another accredited on campus program.)

LETU 1073 - Strategies for Adult Learning
(Equivalent course to LETU 1101; Required for online students)










ENGL 1013 - English Composition I or ENGL 1113 - Close Reading and Clear Writing in a Digital Age 3 3 3 3
ENGL 1023 - English Composition II or ENGL 1123 - Rhetoric and the Craft of Research 3 3 3 3
Foreign Language
- 4 semesters with a minimum of 12 credit hours (1 language for 12 credit hours; or 2 languages for 6 credit hours each)

NOTE: Students in Teacher Education are required only 9 credit hours of Foreign Language.
Civic Engagement Elective
Humanities & Fine Arts Elective
3 9 3 6

Communication - one of the following:
COMM 1113 Introduction To Speech Communication  
COMM 1213 Speech, Debate, and the Art of Conversation  
COMM 2573 Interpersonal Communications  

3 3 3 3
- Must be at the College Algebra level or above
3 3 3 3

Science Elective

NOTE: The B.A. and B.S. require a science course with a lab component.

3 4 8 3
Total hours of general education requirements 22 44 30 31
Minimum hours required for the degree 63 120 120 120
Minimum hours required in a major field   24 30 36
Minimum hours required in a minor field*   18*    

*A student earning a B.A. degree with a double major is considered to have met the requirement of having a minor.  

Note: These are the minimum requirements for the Associate of Science, Bachelor of Arts, and Bachelor of Science, and online Bachelor’s programs. Majors may require more than the specified minimum in any area; see the specific course requirements listed for each major.

Courses Allowed as Electives

Civic Engagement Electives: Any HIST, INTL, POLS, ECON, or CRIJ 

Humanities & Fine Arts Electives: Cross-Cultural (CCLT 3203 only); Fine Arts (HUMA); Literature (All ENGL 2000-level or above courses except ENGL 2603, ENGL 3213, ENGL 3223, ENGL 3931, ENGL 4923, ENGL 4933, and ENGL 4991-4993); Philosophy (PHIL); Music (MUSC); and Foreign Language (to count as part of a 6 hour Humanities elective requirement, the student must have two semesters in one foreign language).

Science Electives for BA or BS degrees: BIOL 1011/1013, BIOL 1111/1113; BIOL 1121/1123; CHEM 1014, CHEM 1111/1113; CHEM 1121/1123; ENVT1111/1113; GEOL1114; PHYS 1014; PHYS 1111/1113; PHYS 1121/1123; PHYS 2011/2013; PHYS 2021/2023. For AS or Bach degrees: any three credit hour course with the BIOL, CHEM, ENVT, GEOL or PHYS prefix.

LETU Theology and Vocation Core

In alignment with the goals of LeTourneau University, the LETU Theology and Vocation Core creates a distinctive experience in which students learn to “integrate Christian faith and work: understanding their vocation within the triune God’s grand story of redemption revealed in Scripture.”

FTIC and transfers who have not completed the Texas General Education Core*
Transfers who have completed the Texas General Education Core*
Students will develop critical skills and tools necessary to interpret Christian Scripture as they explain the redemptive work of the triune God as witnessed in the unified narrative of Christian Scripture.
BIBL 1033
BIBL 1033
Students will produce a constructive analysis of vocation, articulating their place within the triune God’s grand story of redemption.
THEO 2043
Prerequisite is BIBL 1033
THEO 2043
Prerequisite is BIBL 1033
Bachelor’s programs will choose one of the two options below. 
Students will apply foundational skills in arriving at an advanced understanding of the integration of faith and vocation.
Biblical Engagement Elective – 3 credit hours
Biblical/Theological Engagement Elective – 3 credit hours
Biblical/Theological Engagement Elective –  3 credit hours
Discipline-Specific Integration course - 3 credit hours  (SEE
Biblical/Theological Engagement Elective –  3 credit hours 
Discipline-Specific Integration course - 3 credit hours (SEE
Total Hours Required to Complete LETU Theology and Vocation Core

*Or its equivalent, as determined by the Office of the Registrar for coursework completed prior to enrollment at LETU.

Biblical Engagement Electives: Any BIBL course numbered 2000-level or above.

Theological Engagement Electives: 2000-level or above BIBL; CCLT 3103 Cultural Anthropology; CCLT 3203 Religions of the World; CCLT 4103 Biblical & Strategic Paradigms for Mission; CMIN 3303 Evangelism & Discipleship; CMIN 3403 Ministry of Teaching; THEO 3003 History of the Church; THEO 3063 Christian Ethics; THEO 3103 Christian Doctrine; THEO 3133 The History of Christian Thought; THEO 3203 Christian Apologetics; and THEO 4941-4993 Special Topics classes that engage Theology and specific disciplines.