STEM Elective Course (6 Hours)
A STEM elective includes all Technical Electives plus additional 3000+ Math, Science, Business and 2000+ Computer Science.
Total Credit Hours: 128
1 Minimum grade of ‘C’ required
2 Approved 3000+ Math course 3 Hours
3 EEGR 3523 - Mechatronics may be substituted for Mechanical Vibrations.
Optional Aerospace Engineering Focus (Not transcripted)
Pick 2 out of the 4 following courses:
The following courses may count as STEM or Technical Electives
MEGR 4243: Applied Aerodynamics or the graduate version MEGR5243: Applied Aerodynamics
MEGR 4313: Aircraft Dynamics and Control
MEGR 4643: Compressible Flow or the graduate version MEGR 5643: Compressible Flow
The following course may count as a STEM elective
AERO 3153: Aviation Safety Factors
A comprehensive view of safety programs in aviation business. Study includes safety program organizations, accident investigation, accident and incident reporting, and modifying organizational behavior toward the goal of embracing a culture of safety. Class 3. (Distance Learning)
Note: Students will use current BSME Technical Elective and STEM Electives to build this focus. No additional credit hours will be needed. This will be fully compatible with the 4+1 BS/MS graduate program.
Optional Biomechanics Focus (Not transcripted)
The Mechanical Engineering degree has two approved STEM electives (6 hours) and one BSME Technical elective (3 hours) which are fulfilled as follows:
BIOL 2011: Human Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory
BIOL 2013: Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BEGR 3614: Musculoskeletal Biomechanics
BEGR 3811: Jr. Biomedical Engineering Research I
6 hours of STEM are met by BIOL 2011, BIOL 2013, and the first 2 hours of BEGR 3614
3hours of BSME Technical elective are met by the remaining 2 hours of BEGR 3614 and BEGR 3811.