2025-2026 Official University Academic Catalog 
    Mar 04, 2025  
2025-2026 Official University Academic Catalog

Department of Teacher Education

On Campus: Online:
Jodie Hilburn, M.Ed., Associate Professor Darla Baggett, Ed.D. Professor
R. F. Miller, Ph.D, Department Chair & Associate Professor  

  • On Campus:

            ​Elementary/Middle School Education

            Secondary Education

  • Online:

             Elementary/ Middle School Education


“Two components are critically important in teacher preparation: teacher knowledge of the subject to be taught, and knowledge and skill in how to teach that subject” (NCATE, 2014). Studies also indicate that the number one influence on students is the TEACHER (RAND, 2014).

The demand for qualified, competent, and compassionate teachers to meet the growing need in our nation’s classrooms is at an all-time high. The pursuit of teaching as a profession offers students an avenue to make an impact on America’s youth. At LeTourneau University, the Teacher Education Program is designed to assist students in exploring the challenge of teaching as a career, while providing opportunities to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for becoming an effective elementary, middle, or secondary school teacher. Professional development courses include “hands-on” field-based experiences that allow students to apply educational theory and practices in actual elementary, middle, and secondary classroom settings. Faculty members emphasize the integration of Christian worldview principles with contemporary educational theory and policies regarding teaching and learning.

The LETU program emphasizes a balanced approach to teacher education that includes three important elements: general education, content specialization (teaching field) preparation, and professional development. The general education curriculum offers a solid foundation of the basics, while the teaching field courses allow for development of subject area mastery. The professional development curriculum provides opportunities for discovering a personal philosophy and style of teaching, developing motivational techniques for student learning, and formulating strategies for classroom management, assessment, and planning.

General Information

The aims of the LeTourneau University Teacher Education Program are to prepare students to be:

(1) caring teachers through positive learning experiences with Christian role models; (2) knowledgeable teachers through a comprehensive academic program in appropriate teaching fields; (3) effective teachers through a sequenced professional development program including field and student teaching experiences; and (4) certified teachers in Texas through preparation for state examination requirements.

Students in the teacher education program must successfully complete LeTourneau University teacher education requirements, including student teaching, to be recommended as a graduate of LeTourneau University. Students must pass appropriate state TExES tests to be recommended for certification in Texas. Students transferring from other colleges or universities must take the student teaching semester at LeTourneau University and meet all teacher education requirements. Students licensed to teach in Texas can utilize that certification to obtain licensure in other states.

Any changes in Texas State Board for Educator (SBEC) requirements take precedence over statements in this catalog.

Selection and Admission

In order to be formally admitted into the LeTourneau University Preparation Program, students need to complete an EPP application. The EPP Committee will review applications, and the applicants will be expected to meet the following minimal standards:

  1. Admission to LeTourneau University academic program.

  2. Completion of a course sequence and degree plan in conjunction with the major advisor and Teacher Education advisor.

  3. Completion of a minimum of 45 semester credit hours on the degree plan with a minimum of 9 semester hours of EDUC or READ taken at LeTourneau and a minimum cumulative 2.5 grade point average. (Those without the 9 hours of EDUC/READ may be admitted with the recommendation of their advisor and the approval of the Director of Teacher Certification.)
  4. No grade lower than a C in teaching field(s), concentrations, reading courses, technology course and education courses.

  5. Demonstrate basic skills in reading, written communication, and mathematics through one of the following:

  • Completion of coursework equivalent to ENGL 1013 & ENGL 1023, MATH 1203 & College Algebra.
  • Completion of an associate degree
  • Transfer transcript indicating TSI Exempt or TSI Complete
  • Military service as follows:
    • Active duty for at least three years preceding, or
    • Honorable discharged, retired or released from active duty on or after August 1, 1990
  • Completion of one of the tests below


Taken Prior to 3/5/16


Taken After 3/5/16

Composite 23 1070    
Reading 19 500 480 355
Math 19 500 530 356
Writing       355 & 5


    6. Complete an admission application.

    7. May be completed digitally but must be your actual signature.

    8. When all parts of the application are submitted along with the $75 application fee.

    9. An email with an invitation for admission will be sent to those who meet the qualifications. Once the invitation is signed and returned, clearance to continue with EDUC/READ courses is granted.

Clinical Teaching

Information about clinical teaching can be found in the EPP Student Handbook and is also available from the advisors.

Transfer Courses

Due to the importance of taking courses that address the TExES (certification examination) competencies, teacher education students are required to take the majority of the courses in their teaching field(s) or concentrations at LeTourneau University. The LETU Department of Teacher Education faculty members will consider student requests for substitutions of credit earned at other institutions for required education-related courses carefully to ensure compatibility with state and university education requirements.

GPA Requirements

Maintaining high academic standards continues to rank high for students preparing to be teachers in elementary, middle, or secondary schools. Future teachers must keep a cumulative GPA of at least 2.50 along with GPAs of at least 2.50 in teaching field(s) or concentration as well as in their education courses (including READ and INTC 3002). Courses completed with a final grade of D or F will require a repeat before graduation.

Students must meet the 2.50 cumulative requirement and the 2.50 teaching field/concentration requirement before the Fall Semester of their senior year. Students may repeat LeTourneau courses  in which  ­they earned  a D or F or take additional courses to improve their cumulative GPA. Students may also improve their teaching field/concentration GPA by completing additional courses in their field/concentration.

Cumulative GPA is computed by the Registrar’s Office and printed on semester grade reports and transcripts. Grades in courses transferred from other institutions are not considered in calculating cumulative GPA. Teaching field and education course GPAs are calculated by the Department of Teacher Education, using records from the Academic Records Services Office. Teaching field, concentration, and education GPAs are calculated using all courses in the area, regardless of where the courses are taken.

Retention in Program

In order to continue in the teacher education program, students must maintain GPA requirements, practice personal qualities and professional characteristics conducive to employment in a teaching position. Students may lose admitted status because of poor academic performance or evidence of lack of fitness for the education profession. The question of fitness may be raised by a LeTourneau University faculty member or Mentor Teacher from a school district. Students who lose admitted status or who withdraw from the Teacher Education Program must meet requirements of the degree program to which they change.

State Certification Examinations

Students admitted to teacher education will begin preparing for state TExES examinations in areas of academic content and professional development. Students interested in applying to take a TExES exam must enroll in EDUC4963 (Online) or EDUC 4002 (On Campus) during the semester in which they wish to test. During this time, students will be allowed to take departmental practice tests in the appropriate certification areas. Prior to program completion, students who pass a practice test with a score of 75% or above will be allowed to take the state TExES test.

Elementary/Middle School Education

Students who desire to work toward a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies degree in order to teach elementary or middle school-aged students may choose from certifications such as:

  • Early Childhood - 6th Grade certification

  • 4th - 8th Grade Core Subjects certification

  • 4th - 8th Grade Language Arts/Social Studies certification

Students who successfully complete the following courses will also be eligible to take the Supplemental English as a Second Language (ELL) TExES exam for certification:

  • 6 credit hours of EDUC/READ/EXST and READ 4363 ELL and Bilingual Literacy Methods

Furthermore, students may choose to complete the following courses in order to be eligible to take the Special Education TExES exam for certification.

  • 3 credit hours of EDUC/READ/EXST
  • EXST 4363 Examination of Exceptionalities*

  • EXST 4373 Methods for Differentiating Instruction for Individuals with Disabilities

**Students in the above-named majors may also choose to add a Reading Minor by adding an additional Reading course and officially declaring the Reading Minor.
**Students in the above-named majors may also choose to add an Exceptional Students Minor by adding additional Exceptional Students courses and officially declaring the Exceptional Students Minor.

Secondary Education

Students who desire to work toward a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree in order to teach high school-aged students may choose one of several certification options. Degree options provide certifications to prepare students to teach in grades 6-12 and/or grades 7-12:

Bachelor of Science Degrees with Certification

  • Kinesiology, All-Level Physical Education, Option II, B.S. (KIE2)

  • Life Sciences, B.S. (LSE4)

  • Mathematics Education, B.S. (MAE1)

  • Physical Sciences, B.S. (PSE4)

  • Science Composite/Biology, B.S. (SCE4)

Bachelor of Arts Degrees with Certification

  • English/Language Arts, B.A. (ELE1)

  • History Education, B.A., Spanish as Supporting Field (HIE1)

  • Social Studies Composite, B.A. (SSE4)

**Students in the above-named majors may also choose to add a Reading Minor by adding additional Reading courses and officially declaring the Reading Minor.
**Students in the above-named majors may also choose to add an Exceptional Students Minor by adding additional Exceptional Students courses and officially declaring the Exceptional Students Minor.

Interdisciplinary Degrees

  • Interdisciplinary Studies (BA)   (21 + 15 + 15) [ISBA]

  • Interdisciplinary Studies (BS)   (21 + 15 + 15) [ISBS]

Most LeTourneau students earning the Bachelor of Arts or the Bachelor of Science degree in Interdisciplinary Studies are planning careers in elementary education. For that reason, interdisciplinary programs are coordinated through the School of Education. These degree programs are available, however, for any student interested in an individualized, broad-based course of study.

An Interdisciplinary Studies degree plan must contain three concentrations: a primary concentration with a minimum of 21 credit hours, and two secondary concentrations with at least 15 credit hours each. Concentrations may be in any area in which the University offers academic programs. The proposed plan must be approved by the department chairs responsible for each concentration as well as the Office of the Provost. Students must meet all course prerequisites and general education requirements of their chosen concentrations. The degree plan must also include a total of at least 30 credit hours of upper division courses, 21 of those within the areas of concentration, with at least six credit hours of upper division courses in each of the three areas.  A course may only be used once in the three concentrations.

A student must make application for an Interdisciplinary Studies program. Students interested in pursuing this degree should begin the process by scheduling a meeting with the Dean of the School of Education or the Interdisciplinary Advisor designated by the Dean.

State Approval of LeTourneau’s Teacher Education Programs

LeTourneau University received approval of its secondary teacher education program from the Texas Education Agency on April 30, 1992. The elementary program was approved by the State Board for Educator Certification on January 9, 1998.


Bachelor of Arts

A Bachelor of Arts degree may be granted in the following areas:

Bachelor of Science

A Bachelor of Science degree may be granted in the following areas of concentration, together or separately:


A Minor may be selected from the following areas:

Supplemental Certification: