2023-2024 Official University Academic Catalog 
    Jul 26, 2024  
2023-2024 Official University Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electrical Concentration, B.S. (ECEE)

EE Technical Elective Course (3 Hours)

Any 4000 level approved EEGR course.5

Total Credit Hours: 127


1 ENGR 6223 Advanced Engineering Mathematics  recommended if considering engineering graduate school.
2 Minimum grade of ‘C’ required
3 EEGR 4233 Introduction To Microprocessors And Microcomputers  may be substituted for EEGR 3233 .
4 MATH 2303 Linear Algebra  or MATH 4403 Numerical Analysis  for MATH Elective. 

54000 Level Electrical Engineering Course Options (3 hrs required)
   EEGR 4253 Microcomputer Design  if student has substituted EEGR 4233  for EEGR 3233  
   EEGR 4900-4993 Special Topics  Course (available courses will vary by semester) 
*Approved engineering course or COSC course (3 hrs required)
   BEGR 3133 Bioinstrumentation    
   COSC 2103 Computer Science II  
   ENGR 2313 Materials Engineering  
   MEGR 2023 Dynamics  
   MEGR 3323 Mechanics Of Materials  
   MEGR 3713 Thermodynamics  
   MJET 2023 Materials Joining Fundamentals  
   MJET 2021 Materials Joining Fundamentals Laboratory  
Special topics courses offered by the School of Engineering will be evaluated on a course by course basis as to their suitability for General Elective credit. Students should discuss eligibility of the course as Technical Elective credit before enrolling. 
NOTE: Not all of the courses listed above are 3 credits hrs. It is up to you as the student to ensure you have at least 6hrs total credit for your technical electives.